Practicing Self-Care on Holiday
“I need a holiday to recover from my holiday”… Sound familiar?
Particularly with exciting itineraries, city breaks and family holidays, getting away can take a toll on our bodies. Here are our top practices to help you unwind whilst abroad and have you return home feeling refreshed, rather than knackered!
Preparing for the time zone
This works wonders on children but grown-ups should give this a go too. Reduce or increase your bedtime gradually before your trip to coincide with your new time zone, this will make those first few nights a little bit easier to get some shut eye. If you’re the kind to struggle when sleeping in a new room, consider a scented sleep spray or noise machine to help your body feel at home (just remember to use them before you go!).
The work wind-down
In some roles, the stress of being away from your desk can have a big effect on your willingness to take annual leave. Consider creating a thorough document of how you handle urgent matters which your colleagues can refer to. You can also customise the list in the run-up to your holiday with things you’re waiting on, problems your colleagues may encounter in your absence and things they don’t have to worry about – A detailed handover will help you unwind knowing everything is in control.
Break in those holiday shoes beforehand!
Those sandals or trainers may look comfortable, but have you worn them for an extended period yet? Avoid limping around theme parks or sobbing on your evening walks by giving your footwear a trial run.
Recognise when you’re overwhelmed
Being overwhelmed is part of an incredible travel experience… and it’s far better than being underwhelmed! New places, sounds, smells, routines and daylight hours, it all gets a bit much so listen to your body and retreat to your hotel room for a bit of self-care as needed. Plus, the rest will allow you to take full advantage of the warm evenings and nightlife.
Take some time for you
Kids screaming, your partner has lost their expensive new sunglasses, the room is a mess – Breathe. You’re used to sharing 3-bedroom house and now you’re in a hotel, so cut yourself some slack! Take it in turns to watch the kids, or take an hour apart if you’re travelling as a couple, then go and focus on you. Whether you go for a silent swim, chat with new friends up the bar or head out for a touch of retail therapy, you’ll feel much better for it.
Turn off your brain (and your phone!)
Bringing this point back to being overwhelmed, your brain is easily conditioned into running 100mph. Turn off your mobile and let your mind go blank in a peaceful environment – It’s not easy to do without practice and you may end up daydreaming, but that’s OK, you’ll likely feel calmer and lighter after slowing down your thought process.
Time your activities
Can’t party like you used to? Same! Why not position all of your big nights out at the start of the holiday? You can also hit the theme parks, head out on the must-see excursions and shop until you drop in the first half of your trip; This will make those well-deserved days on the beach that much sweeter.
Whether you’re looking for excitement or relaxation, we can help you plan the holiday you’ve been waiting for – Place an enquiry using our provided form today to get started!